Monday 11 June 2012

The Dream Bicycle


  • Bekas hantaran menggunakan basikal ney adalah imagination seorang kawan  
  • He came to my mum and bagitau "Aunty, saya nak hantaran saya atas basikal"
  • So we proposed to him some bicycle untuk dijadikan bekas hantaran              

Sample Basikal A
Sample Basikal B
Sample Basikal C

We also proposed to him bekas hantaran berbentuk "Carriage" 

Carriage A

Carriage B

  • After he had made up his mind we asked him "Tema colour nak warna apa
  • He answered "Merah & Hitam"                                                    
  • So, my mum started to keluarkan beberapa sample dari dalam kotak              

Bunga Dip with Daun Dip

Bunga Kristal & Daun Kristal

 Bunga Manik & Daun Glitter

Since he wants the theme to be Red & Black so we showed him one sample of
Bunga Manik Merah & Daun Glitter Black

  • And the next thing we know, POOOOOOFFFFFFF!!!! Tadaaaaa... A Nicely Decorated Bicycle~

He choose the combination of Bunga Kristal & Daun Dip

  • On the day he came to my house untuk hantar barang hantaran, he saw his fiancee to be convocation's bouquet my mum gave to her


Our convocation bouquet made by Mama

So he requested teddies on his bicycles

My mum made him a little teddy wearing tutu and headband

And placed the teddy on the bicycle~

TADAA~ this is how it looks like after the whole thing is complete

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